After you had learned the basic guitar parts here in guitar tutorials for beginners, you will now be inspired or rather be excited to play a song in it. But, before you strum those strings and play your favorite songs, you must learn these things first.

So, why do I need to buy if I can just borrow to my friend?
First of all, before learning these stuffs on how to play a guitar you must have a guitar. Off course, this is the most important thing about doing these tutorials I’m teaching you. In order for you to learn faster, you should have the resources you’ll need upon making your goal on whatever you do. That’s’ why I am suggesting and encouraging you to buy one for yourself (of course!). But, if you don’t have the money, you can still borrow a guitar to your friend or your neighbor if this is the case, and you can’t buy the instrument right away. However, if the time had come that you can buy it then I encourage you, and it will be a best damn thing you can ever own. I promise you that if you’ll study hard and focus yourself achieving your goal. So be thrift for awhile and save money so you can be availing this precious thing, and you’re off to be a guitar player.
What do I use? An acoustic guitar or Electric guitar is better?
In this tutorial, we will be using an acoustic guitar in these guitar tutorials for beginners. It doesn’t matter what type or style of the acoustic you will use or bought. There are three the most common type of acoustic guitar, namely: dreadnought, parlor and classic guitars. In this tutorial, we’ll only use 6 stringed guitars. You can use an electric to if you choose to, but you can’t maximize your potential using it in this tutorial because it consists of complex technicalities that I will not be able to supply for you. So, for the convenience for you and for this tutorial, I encourage you to use acoustic guitar instead.
How do I inspect the quality of the guitar before buying?
If you had decided to buy a guitar then, I am glad that you did. Cause it can bring you many things to your life. But, before you go to the store and are very excited to buy this precious thing, you need to know these things in order for you to miss the grave mistakes I had made during my new days as a guitar player. This thing can help you to know what to consider upon making a solid decision on buying the stuff. This can also help you make the price more cheaply but high in quality. This is the list you can use to make that possible:
First: Designs say the price and not the quality.
Most guitars with beautiful designs will be on a high price. But, those with cheap ones, I will say isn’t the answer to in this. My point is that, usually some guitars with quality come with a simple design or maybe not as appealing to a beginner I may say. But, this is the stuff you need, and it will be the best bet to own a good one. I know that choosing the right guitar really is kind of hard for beginners a decision to make. In my experience as a guitar enthusiast, this is my first mistake of all time. And it cost me a lot and ended up with a low quality guitar with a very bad sound. It is cheap but, it has a crappy sound. Hate to say but it is true (ouch!).
Second: Straight arm for your guitar.
I think this is important also. During the time, you’re inspecting the guitar you wanted to buy carefully inspect the fret board if it has a straight or proportioned width from the body to the head stock. This is something adding quality to the product for its straight fret board. This also indicates that a very good job has been given to make this guitar.
Third: Soft is comfortable.
Most beginners I had seen while learning their first song has a common complain afterwards. Their fingers hurt and making them less motivated because of the hassle about this thing: the string is hard or difficult to press. This is the greatest reason also, that they give up learning guitar. If you will buy a guitar I suggest you pick a something that you can press the string easily down to the fret board or the string had less space above the fret board. In doing so, you can eradicate those complain and make your fingers comfortable making chords or pressing it repeatedly. This can also make you learn faster because your fingers don’t hurt that fast and badly and this makes you having a lot of time practicing.
Fourth: Big body can produce bigger sound.
This is another thing you can consider in owning a quality guitar in for yourself. Don’t buy a guitar with small body or a guitar that has no bold sound when you strum it. In my opinion, a guitar with a solid sound is an attribute to say that the guitar has a very good quality. Usually, the bigger the body of the guitar the bolder the tone or sound like it can give you. So, this is the easiest way also to choose what you need to decide what you will buy in a store if you are having a hard time.
Fifth: The heavier it gets the harder it can give.
Now this is something you can say to anything. Of course, the heavier the thing is the harder it will break. Some guitar may vary from its weight also, usually, light weighted guitar are not a good option when it comes to buying one. Why? It is because, this is the indication that can be a fake one or has been made with low class materials. A guitar with a good quality comes with a fine material and this will automatically tell you that this is the best choice.
Now this is something you can say to anything. Of course, the heavier the thing is the harder it will break. Some guitar may vary from its weight also, usually, light weighted guitar are not a good option when it comes to buying one. Why? It is because, this is the indication that can be a fake one or has been made with low class materials. A guitar with a good quality comes with a fine material and this will automatically tell you that this is the best choice.
That’s all folks! This is the end of our lesson for this day here in guitar tutorials for beginners. Hope you like the lesson I had made you and still have your patience learning things about the guitar. Now you can go to the store and pick the best guitar out there and own one with a quality sound in it. These steps can help you to learn all those major things that you must learn in order to be a good guitar player. The next lesson will be about tuning the guitar.