We had reached this far with our Guitar Tutorials for beginners and this is the seventh lesson that we will be conducting together. As far as I’m concerned about this, specifically about the technicalities while you play the guitar’s having a big dispute if this really matters after all. Well, this is my opinion and you can take this as a fact or not.
Technicalities, whether if it’s important to a player or not, can raise a big confusion for you as a beginner. You need a lot more to learn about this instrument and these technicalities, I think, can really help you a lot. How big the deal about this is for others, the most important part is that you’re learning this thing and that’s our goal here. To learn and explore this thing that we all loved to do. This technicalities I will be discussing will help you sound a lot more better than it used to be and play cleanly while you strum it with your favorite songs. Remember this piece of advice that I will give you: playing this instrument is not just to show off or to impress other people around you but instead; you do this because you love to and wanted to express yourself musically. So, enough with these lectures and let do this.
Bars and flats
I had mentioned in my last Guitar Tutorials for beginners that I will include this part here so, have a deep breath and this is it! The most intriguing and as I can say, is the hardest part of these tutorials for beginners who aspires to be a guitar player.
As you can see it in the guitar chord chart, you will be pressing all the strings or the strings starting from the fifth down to the first string (sixth string not included) that will give you a hard time to accomplish. But, don’t be afraid because we will do this process with easy steps for you to guide and learn this in no time. To make this easier and a convenience in my part, we will use F and B chords only. These chords will be the perfect chords that we will use practicing here in this lesson. The pointing finger is the cue here to make these two chords to make it sound good and this can also be the reason why it didn’t produce the chords’ sound. Usually, with the beginners first try attempting to strum with that chord, has failed and gave them a dead sound or nothing at all. It’s normal. Everybody was been frustrated about this stage when you’re trying to learn this for the first time. Even I had a hard time accomplishing this task when I was just like you. If you tried to strum and you ended up with no luck, try and try until you succeeded.

Another is the position of your thumb in the back of the fret board. You need to press your thumb in the middle of that side with your pointing finger pressing against it in the other side of it, in the exact place where your thumbs pressing the pressure. This will produce a cleaner sound when you strummed the instrument plus, this will make your arms relaxed to and an extra room to shift to another chords with an ease. To make this accurately perfect while you do this, you must not forget about your other three fingers that’s making the remaining strings dead and making no sound at all. Even if the pointing finger will be the crucial part doesn’t mean that you can ignore the remaining fingers. You must also pay attention about this cause each finger that was required for a specific chord has a responsibility. Avoid making an open string in a chord to be a dead one. This might be simple error and a very technical one but, this can make you’re playing cleaner to listen to.
Technical or not technical
To be a technical player or not is not important for you right now. This can be a big deal for you if you are on an advance stage of your development in this instrument. But, this section in these Guitar Tutorials for beginners actually is more of an advice, rather than a requirement for you to be that player you were dreaming of. This is more on helping you as I had said earlier, to attain that goal of success in this. You can use this or not. It’s you to decide if you will follow this techniques how to play with a guitar on your hands. Or, you can have your own style or technique if you prefer that. Whatever it is that you think is the right and the most suitable thing for you is always the right way. I will share you some of these stuffs that will make your play more gracefully and be more accurate learning this thing inside your mind, also. So, these are the three technical stuffs:
Beat with your feet – This can help you with your timing while you strum the strings in a particular song. You can synchronize the strum with beat that’s been produced by your feet by hitting the ground like a pedal to a bass drum.
Relaxed strumming – When you play with your guitar, you don’t need to strum that heavy to play a song in it. You just need relax your hand and don’t just use your wrist while you strum with it. Use your arm with your hand to work instead to make the sound bolder and clearer to listen.
Learn how to use a guitar pick – This is very useful thing which you can use and enhance your sound and playing capability while you play it. Obviously, A lot of advantages this can bring to you. It is a tricky thing to use but, if you had mastered how to use this, you will be playing that instrument producing a bolder sound. You can use this thing whether you’re strumming or plucking the strings.
There, you had it! And this is all over. You’re near to your destination as advance player with these Guitar Tutorials for beginners that I had been teaching you. I’m very glad that you’ve manage to accomplish my previous task and assignment that you need to do after this. But, that doesn’t mean that you will stop learning this after you had attained that. You still need to furnish your skill to play more songs to it and perfectly sounded clean. This is just the beginning of your arduous journey to master it. Practice more and the next lesson will more of an advance one. Got to think about it first (sorry for the inconvenience that I can’t tell you what’s next) and rest for awhile. Cheers for your achievements!